Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Break Time

Wow, I can’t believe it is already August and we are beginning to get in to school mode.  The summer always seems to fly by!  Lately, I have been feeling overwhelmed, tired and stressed out.  It could be due to the fact that I doubled up on my grad school classes this summer (taking four instead of two) or it could be due to the massive amounts of bridal showers, baby showers, weddings or even working my second job.  I decided that before school gets back in to full force that I need to take a moment to get away with some friends.  So I put the technology away, packed up my car, picked up my girlfriends and headed to Newport, RI for some rest and relaxation.  We had a weekend trip in the middle of the week which was perfect!  I didn’t worry about what I was missing and just stayed in the moment for the two days.  We were able to enjoy sunsets like this:

It was the perfect moment in a hectic summer!


  1. Really good to hear that you took some time for yourself in the midst of the craziness. In this world, people get consumed with all their responsibilities and it can be overwhelming. I can't believe you are taking 4 classes!!! I am taking 2 and feel really busy. We all have things going on I guess. Your picture of RI looks amazing. It really captures the essence of your trip! I hope that your time away helps you pull through the next two weeks feeling ready for the new year. People keep asking me if I'm looking forward to school starting... at this point of the summer (coming to an end) I say no. I need a vacation from this vacation :)

  2. That has been a conversation that I have had with a lot of friends (that are also teachers). We started our summer very, very late this year due to snow days, hurricane days and election days. We went till the last day in June. I am excited for the week break before school starts back up. Do you have a break or start before our classes are over?

  3. It is so great that you took some time for yourself. You have been busy with that many classes. This is a beautiful place and I hope that you have a great school year.

    1. You as well! I can't believe it is already that time of year again. I hope you got a break at some point to relax.
